Sunday, March 2, 2014

Seven County Year Birds in Less than Two Hours!

March has finally come, but February is still hanging on strong. Temperatures have been staying at 10 degrees, and the snow is still accumulating. Hard to believe than in a couple weeks we should start hearing woodcocks and phoebes! Today I decided to go and try to find the Long-tailed Duck and Red-necked Grebe at Tassel Park. Upon arriving, I saw that another birder had come jus before I. Even though I am birding "all the time", I rarely meet other birders. I just know so many names from all the sightings on Ebird, and never a face to the name. The birder was Elliot Nelson, one of the top birders in the county; ranked second for the year on Ebird. The first birds seen were Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and Yellow-rumped Warbler; both rare for this time of year. The trip was already worth it, adding a couple year birds to the list that weren't even expected. After looking at the river for a few minutes, both targets were spotted. Unfortunately, the grebe kept his head down for the majority of the time. After talking a bit with Elliot, I thought that I would try for the American Wigeon and Northern Pintail on Grand River Drive. Again, the day was going easy. Both were there, including Gadwall. Easily, the most year birds I have had in one day this year! With spring coming (maybe), I only have two main targets left: Northern Shrike (Tried for 3 times already; Possible) and Rough-legged Hawk (Tried for once: Possible).

American Wigeon
Northern Pintail
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Red-necked Grebe
Long-tailed Duck

Michigan Year List: 55 species

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